Saturday, March 24, 2012

The time keeps ticking...

It's been more months than I am proud of since my last post! Having a almost 2 year old in our home keeps us very busy.  I decided to stop procrastinating, and get back into the swing of things......Sooo let's play catch up on all the new things that our going on in your little world Bray! You are hands down the sweetest little boy, between your hugs, and kisses, Dad and I just can't get enough of you! Im still unsure how we were blessed with such a calm, sweet, well behaved child...Seriously you are that angel child that people talk..dream.. and pray for! People tell me everyday just how sweet, and well behaved  you are! You basically don't get into anything, whatever you find that isn't yours you bring to us! Your certainly a people lover, and have been most of your life. You never hold back from greeting our friends with a big hug or high five. Blowing kisses never gets old.. you are just that lovable! Most little boys your age are ruff housing and throwing things.. but you my little prince just love spending your time showing love! Besides all the sweetness you have so many other great traits. You love to snuggle with us, hug the dogs and give them unlimited kisses a day. Even though you are adorable, and you melt my heart on a daily basis terrible two's are headed our way. We have been lucky to only experience maybe 5 tantrums so far. Usually you throw a fit because you don't want to come inside, or someone is telling you not to do something. Your intelligence level  for your age never ceases to amaze me! Between ABC's, 123's and your 30 + words your already saying you continue to surprise us everyday. The facial expressions you give us on a daily basis are just to funny! Dad and I love to sit back and giggle at just how silly you are when you roll your eyes at us!  Your imagination is in full bloom. Watching you create your own little world in your head is one of momma's favorite activities! Setting up a little village consisting of your farm house, barn, and train set keeps you entertained for hours. You love your books, coloring, thomas the train, elmo, building blocks, and most of all being outside. I have a feeling if it was up to you, you would choose to live in the yard. As long as it's beautiful outside we stay out till the sun sets just about every night.  You have a silly obsession with the water fountain in the front yard. Dad and I watch you everyday play in the water... wondering what's going on in that little head of yours. Most days you spend the majority of your time running back and forth between the fountain, and the bird bath, babbling away in your own little world playing.  You have a special "thing" with having items in your hands. Usually it sticks.. and as many sticks as you can possibly hold at once! You love to take walks with us, especially when you and daddy go and investigate in the woods. We walk just about every afternoon, and night. Most evening we play with the neighbors little Karleigh, Dawson and Carly. You have recently grown very fond of sweet Dawson. I think you amazed at all the things he can do that you can't yet. When were not hanging around the house or in the yard playing we go to the park or the childrens museum . Bray you have become such a big boy, you fly down the slide with not a inch of fear in your eyes.  You love the park, running around like a wild man, giggling, and screaming! 
I hope one day you will look back and read through these entries to see all the fun things we did together! Daddy and I are watching you grow everyday into such a big boy! Sometimes it makes me sad that my little baby is gone. I sit back and wonder where time went, and how you are just 3 months shy of turning 2! Almost 2 whole years of love, laughter, and some of the best times of mine and dads life!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bad Mommy!

Ok so I've been a bad mommy... I started this blog with all intentions to post almost everyday, or at least a few times a week. As you can see got as far as 1 entry..shhh don't tell Bray. Life with a 16 month old is hectic.. To all my friends that don't have kids enjoy your me time while it lasts! I have very little free time.. which is ok..  cause every minute of my day is consumed by the sweetest little boy, who has the most precious face that I just can't seem to stop kissing! My alone time.. after Bray has decided to finally give up the fight and go to sleep consists of dishes.. or laundry.. and then straight into the bed as soon as possible. I have always been a night owl.. even for the 1st 14 months of Brays life I usually stayed up to have some me time, and get things done around the house.. But finally Mommy got smart and started going to bed shortly after Bray. So now I have just as much energy as he does to keep up with him all day long. Brays bed time finally changed..think it has to do with the fact that this kid doesnt stop! We went from 9-10:30ish bedtimes to 8-9 which.. let me just tell you is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!! That being said Bray monkey actually passed out on his own tonight.. snuggled ever so sweetly on couch.. let me just mark this moment in history as the 1st time my son has EVER passed out on his own! I always dreamed of the day when I would find that cute face passed out on the couch or random place in the house.. or in his jumper when he was little.. but NO never happened.. my son can not miss a beat.. just like his momma. That's right Bray.. just to make your Grandparents happy mom and dad are getting it back 10 fold!

Anyhoooo this weekend was filled with great friends and family. Friday night Bray went to Nanny's to spend the night with some of his cousins... that love him so very much. Bray broke my heart just a little as he wanted nothing to do with me, and just wanted to hop right in nannies car and go! He loves his nanny and were very blessed to still have her with us, so sharing as much time with her as possible is never a problem +  Mom and Daddy took advantage of our night off! We went to dinner and a movie with some of our good friends.. it was nice to have a night off..and a date included.. but what was even better was coming home, crawling into bed, and stretching out.. NO bray monkey in our bed tonight.. ahhh it's like music to my ears.. and to put a cherry on top of that I slept in till noon... WOAH I haven't slept till that hour of the day since.. well... since before I was prego with you!  It was nice.. I mean REALLLLLLY NICE!! :-)  After I got my lazy but out of bed I handled some chores around the house got ready, then headed to Grammys to get my baby boy. We dressed Bray up in his Dragon costume so Nanny and Pop could see him.. and take some pictures. After some hugs and kisses.. and Bray saying bye bye 20 times we packed up and headed to 1 of our favorite WAXHAW locations the Coopers!  Tonya, Steve, Amy, and Anthony were gracious enough to have us over for a Halloween party. It was Brayden's 1st.. Your Aunties loved your costume!!.  I cant wait till I show you the pictures when your older of your chubby cheek's squished into this plump little dragon costume.  Sweet little Lottie was waiting patiently to see her guests.. (our friends Tonya and Steves baby girl). I couldn't wait to see Lottie in her lady bug costume, but apparently her excitement level was no where near mine lol.. She hated her costume, but of course she was still dressed in the cutest little outfit that read Little black dress on it..followed by a pink leopard skirt and a bow to match. I can't get enough of her sweet smiling face! It was a mini waxhaw reunion. Auntie Kellan and Aunt Lauren stopped by. Lauren brought her beautiful daughter Addison with her. Brayden and Addison are 1 year and 2 weeks apart.. they ran us tired all over the Coopers back yard collecting sticks, while sweet Lottie just hung out..( I could say I miss those days)..but seeing Braydens face so happy to be running outside reminds me how much fun this age is too!  It was so great to spend time with my gfs from high school. 10 years later and still going strong. I truly was blessed with the best group of girls when I moved here.. and even though we don't get to see each other as much as we like, the time spent together is always full of laughter and love. The few hours we planned on spending with the Coopers, and Larocca's quickly turned into evening. 4 more of our gfs stopped by for the party.. or should I say brought the party. They dressed as the Coopers and Larocca's which if you knew them, was by far almost the highlight of my weekend. These girls are just 2 funny.. after some great food, drinks,lots and lots of laughing.. and a fashion show of Tonyas clothes from the 90's Bray was ready for bed. We said our goodbyes.. which was sad most likely we wont see the Laroccas or Coopers till Thanksgiving ;-(( but on a great not before we even pulled out of the drive way Bray was passed out! Welcome to Waxhaw Brian and Bray where there is always always always a good time to be had!

Sunday was filled with football, friends and soaking in the sun outside with Bray! Uncle Bena and Uncle Johnny stopped by to watch the game, and play with Bray. They love there little nephew so much.. kinda melts my heart to watch them have so much fun with him. He is 1 very lucky little boy! Uncle John brought Brayden a few gifts.. (just cause) he loves his nephew that much! 2 new polo sweatshirts, a warm up suit, and a 2 dyeeee for suit.. yes thats right black pants.. red dress shirt.. and a matching tie! I know I know to cute for words really..Bray will be wearing this for his santa pics this year.. (pics to follow of course)

This was my 1st Halloween weekend ever ( or i should say as an adult) that was not filled with sexy costumes and lots of alcohol.. to some I missed out... but in my eyes... I had more fun being surrounded by family and Great friends and the babers of course! Wouldn't change it for the world!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ready to Blog

Saturday night started off like any typical night. Bray finished up his delicious dinner then we headed outside for our evening walk. Watching Bray run after, and away from us melts my heart. His contagious smile and that unforgettable giggle get's me every time. There is nothing funnier in the world to him then thinking that he is chasing us. After our walk we got a bath in mommies big tub which he loved! Brays own little pool. It was now play/snuggle time before bed... Bray was being cute as usual giving me & daddy unlimited about of kisses not even at our request! After lots of fun & love it was time for bed. This my friends has become quite a difficult task in the brown household. Teething destroyed my sweet little man, we went from an amazing sleep schedule... where we just laid him in his crib and he went to bed ( yes that's right my no teeth yet babies of my gfs), to me rocking my 29lb 14 month old.. ( talk about your arm going numb!) But he was still sleeping all night in his crib. Just when I thought it was going to get better.. it got worse. Bray monkey came down with his 2nd cold ever! ( I know pretty impressive for 14 months old). Well that turned into 2 weeks of very sleepless nights for me & dad..Bray moved from his crib to our bed... keeping him elevated while he slept. At the time it was ok because Bray didn't really like our bed ( loves his crib) so I knew it was only for the time being..Well over the next 2 weeks I guess Bray fell in love with our temperpedic mattress / and or / snuggling with us. Which leads me back to getting Bray to sleep Saturday night.. I was very excited it was about 8:30 and BAM Bray was passed out in his crib! Beyond excited I finished up some things around the house.. got in my pj's.. grabbed my lap top.. and took one good look at my big comfy bed (aka heaven). At this rate its been months of no sleep or ever being in my bed at 8:30 for some alone time. So I jump in turned on my dvr... opened my computer ready and eager to start my 1st blog.

Blogging has been something I've been thinking about for some time now. A few of my girlfriends are in the blogging world, and their are a lot of blogs I follow of people I haven't met. Everyone blogs about all sorts of stuff, so I been thinking about how mine would differ. Blogs are great for all sorts of things.... fashion.. reviews...all sorts of tips on life.. from babies to clothes.. all these ideas running through my mind on what I was going to blog about. Either way I was excited, I had some ideas, and alone time.. Cha Ching!! 

Letters to Bray was the perfect name.. I had decided!!  I was going to blog to my son...A daily journal on our special life we share together. The blog would be told through me.. It was perfect.. I fell head over heals in love with the idea. All of our precious moments jotted down for Bray and I to look back at later in life. I had thought about what I was going to write my very 1st entry on all day. So there I was about to sign up log in and life kicked in.. Yup that was my son screaming over his monitor.. Bye Bye Blog...
Hello Bray in my bed.. It sounded great didn't it.. alone time.. my bed.. my very 1st blog entry.. But that's life.. and that's ok..because in reality... snuggling with my boy is way better than anytime spent with my laptop. 

So here I am.. Sunday night.. its late.. Bray monkey is snoring in my ear <3 and I just finished my 1st entry!!! Whoo hoo hello my fellow bloggers!